“Well Begun is Almost Done” Art Workshop Series

Have you ever had a painting that started with the greatest of expectations and excitement just to have it fall short of your early anticipation and you spent hours trying to “fix” it? 

Have you ever had a painting that just fell into place right from the get start, finished strong and took less time and corrections than most? 

Most likely the common denominator in both was composition.  If the composition is strong, most elements will fall into place.  If the composition is off, all our little tricks of colour, texture, light will not be able to fix it.

Join us for a weekend primer on the basic concepts of composition including the four most important lines in a painting, armatures, notan, rule of thirds, dynamic symmetry, and golden rule.

This workshop is designed for the painter of any media from watercolour, acrylics, pencil to oils and style from classic, representative to abstract. Good composition is required in all!

The workshop is suitable for those that want to improve their work to a higher level.  It is important to learn these lessons early, or revisit and reinforce along our artist journey.

The workshop introduces the concepts and then provides exercises and working time to integrate the skill into your working practice, under the guidance of renowned artist and educator, Cheryl Tuck-Tallon.  You will train your “eye” to build your works on strong compositions.

While this workshop is an introduction to many concepts of composition, you will be guided on where you can take your self-study deeper into specific topics.

Materials required:
Good sketch pad at approximately 11″x14″ is best.  This will become your “notes” as you will have handouts to insert.  Sketch pencils, eraser, sharpener, ruler (t-square if you have).  Charcoal is handy.  Bring materials you use in your media such as canvas or watercolour paper, paints etc.  Due to the nature of the class, we will spend more time on “exercises” than trying to complete a finished work.

Friday, April 28:        4pm to 5pm: discussion with artist; private reception and tour then enjoy the public exhibition reception

Saturday, April 29:   9:30am to 4pm: hands-on art instruction and training

Sunday, April 30:     9:30am to 4pm: hands-on art instruction and training


Location: Delta Bessborough, Saskatoon

Space is limited.   Register now.

The event is finished.

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