Cindy Wright

Cindy Wright’s love of nature and the enjoyment of sitting around a campfire has contributed significant inspiration with bringing the fire element into her current work. Smoke painting is an artistic process formally known as ‘fumage’. Where candle smoke or fumes are the medium. Using a delicate brush and fine eraser, the image comes alive by gently being ‘lifted out’ using these tools. The soft values of the smoke can give the image a three dimensional feel to it.

Cindy Wright has taken to this medium in a very natural way as it incorporates both painting and drawing techniques. Cindy makes her own beeswax candles, using local honey bee keepers as suppliers for the wax.  Burning these candles, gives her studio an ambience of peace and tranquility that is felt through her art work. She recently added Woodburning or what is known as Pyrography back into her repertoire.  Art creations you may see can include any of these mediums along with her lifelong love of watercolour painting as she continues to push the boundaries on these age old practices.

Cindy resides with her husband on an acreage near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

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