Greg Hargarten

Greg Hargarten is a Saskatoon based painter, musician and graphic artist.
Although he began painting and drawing at an early age, it was in 2005, when he began to paint seriously. As a founding member of the "Men Who Paint" group, he has painted all over Canada and around the world.

He is self taught as a painter, influenced by the French Impressionists and other artists such as Canada's Tom Thompson, J. E. H. MacDonald, Aurthur Lismer and A.J. Casson. Greg's paintings are an expression of his perception of nature, rather than exact representations. Using strong deliberate strokes and bold colors, he paints a variety of subject matter, but is mostly recognized for his urban and traditional landscapes.

Greg has exhibited in over 30 solo and group shows in Canada and abroad, and his artwork is held in private, corporate and museum collections including The Kunstmuseum in Schwann Germany, The Mann Gallery in Prince Albert and the Parks Canada Permanent Collections.

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