Joan's Beeswax Candles

Gwen is a wife, mother and grandmother. She grew up a farm girl, and still feels like a farmer, even though she and her family live in town now. Gwen has been married for close to 30 years and they have three children. They have just started the journey of being grandparents.

Gwen worked in the retail business for seven years, as a salesperson and as a store manager. Then she moved on to working in accounting which she did for over 25 years.

In 2009 Gwen discovered that she loved beeswax candles, and started selling them. She also found that they helped her daughter with her asthma. In 2010 the owner of Joan’s Beeswax Candles mentioned that she was finding it hard to do the market sales and Gwen began working with her. This turned into a part-time job which helped Gwen discover that she really liked working with the wax, and was good at it. Since Joan was looking to sell the business Gwen and her husband decided to buy it. In July 1, 2011 they purchased Joan’s Beeswax Candles. Since Gwen had worked for Joan for over a year learning all the different methods she had developed, they decided to keep the name of the business the same. Gwen wanted customers to know that the quality and recipes would stay the same.

Gwen is still loving working with beeswax. The business has expanded to include two part-time employees. They now supply stores across Canada.

The beeswax is sourced from Saskatchewan beekeepers. Gwen supports our local beekeepers, and the Saskatchewan Beekeepers Development Commission. She is also a member of Saskatchewan Craft Council.

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