Anita McComas

Raised in a small town, Anita grew up farming and playing in the woods, creating space out of fallen tree branches and weaving them into walls for forts. Today she reconnects to the land, only this time waving brush strokes across canvas, creating connections to the land and its creatures with paint.

Impressionistic acrylic artist Anita has not known a time when she was not drawing, painting, creating. She earned a BFA from Concordia University, spent one career in marketing/buying, and has returned to her natural element as an impressionist Okanagan Artist, specializing in acrylic landscape paintings of Western Canada. Her expertise is further enhanced with a certificate program in digital marketing, social media and search optimization which she uses as part of her outreach/workshops for artists, in both painting and current business trends in art.

Anita is struck by the co-existence of people and wild animals in her Kelowna neighbourhood. Her impressionistic pieces lean towards reality with creative exaggerations. Pieces come into being through pure inspiration, very little planning and driven from within with lots of energy, as if there is an urgency in to their coming into existence.

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